W.V. Cross Enterprises
Client Endorsements

Here's what clients and colleagues have to say about Bill Cross

"I know that you've done a great job for the Oregon Restaurant Association."
 R. William Taylor, CAE; president American Society of Association Executives

"Your background in association management, government and public relations, policy development and strategic planning made you a valuable asset to our organization."
 Bob Rice, president; Oregon Restaurant Association

"Bill is 'pro' in the association management business."
 Clayton W. Hannon, executive director; Oregon Association of Nurserymen

"Your presentation to the Gift Store Focus Group was excellent. You are a great resource for the general association building."
MerrieSue Carlson, industry coordinator; Key Industries, Oregon Economic Development Department

"You should be very proud of the service that you have provided your members."
 Stanley R. Kyker,CAE, executive vice-president; California Restaurant Association

"Your continuing emphasis and leadership on government affairs issues puts your organization in the vanguard of our industry."
 Timothy M. Haake, Wunder, Diefenderfer, Ryan, Cannon & Thelen, and legislative counsel to the National Retail Hardware Association

"You have done a commendable job of advancing legislative activity and bringing a new expansion of dedication to the causes that we represent"
 William E. Gailbraith, executive vice-president; North American Equipment Dealers Association

"Your support was a critical element in the effort to repeal Section 89."
Larry E. Craig; Member of Congress, Idaho


W.V.Cross Enterprises
wvce@teleport.com 503-873-5384